kalimat Bhs. Inggris yang sering diucapkan tapi salah dalam pengertianya:
- · Got one’s head screwed on: bisa menimbang dengan bijaksana, Contoh: If you have your head screwed on right, you don't complain when you have to work overtime.
- · Have a black thumb; Bertangan panas, tidak bisa bercocok tanam. Contoh: I have killed all the plants in my house. I must have a black thumb.
- · Pour cold water on: mengecilkan hati, mematahkan semangat. Contoh: Cutting my year-end bonus poured cold water on my loyalty to the company
- · Out of whack: not working well or not in good condition. Contoh: Lifting boxes in and out of the truck threw his back out of whack.
- · Run-of-the-mill: produk dasar, belum diberi pernak-pernik tambahan, tidak spesial, rata-rata. Contoh: There's nothing special about these singers--they're just run of the mill